Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rachel talks about what makes our product different

Well, our commitment to keeping our food clean is a huge one. Our food is local; I’ve got it coming from an organic farm in Oxnard, an organic rancher in Arroyo Grande, a local lettuce farmer in Carpinteria, and an organic tomato farmer in Santa Paula. We have healthy, free range chickens instead of unhealthy birds that never got to walk around before they were force fed and slaughtered.

We have two owners – Robert and I – who not only are insistent on making a profitable business (and thus create jobs) out of a good, humane idea – to serve healthy food that actually tastes fabulous – but the vision itself is amazing. Think about it: you are what you eat. We take care to make our food delicious, and we are mindful of who raised it and how it was raised. Not only that, we care how it was stored, processed, and how it is treated once it is in our care. Yes, our care.

So, we care. That is the difference.

I was doing some ordering, and I thought I’d share some food costs with you real quick:

Ground Beef:

Feed Lot Corn Fed (cows are allergic to corn. That is why they get fat….and why we get fat when eating them) goes for $2.63 per pound

Our local organic ground beef $4.39

Chicken Breasts:

Tyson cage-raised Chicken Breasts $2.06 per pound

Petaluma Free Range Chicken Breasts $4.49 per pound

So, when people ask what makes our products different, why our food tastes so good, or why I am absolutely insistent that we treat our food with reverence, respect, and integrity, this is why: Everyone else did on it’s way to us. We are creating what our customers will purchase and use to fuel and heal and support their bodies, and it is our hard-earned and well-invested money that is purchasing these amazing products. It’s a business based on HEALTH CARE.

And when you really think about it, it is no more expensive " that burger " you can buy at McDonnalds or Hamburger Habit or In n Out…..you’re going to pay for it one way or another – one day or another.

Enjoy, Rachel

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The subject of healthy,green, socially active, local comes up quite a bit in today's press. Bottom line is that Rachel and I are making every effort in staying true to all of the previously mentioned concepts. But what does this mean? How does it manifest in the real world?

One of the most important aspects of trying to serve local organic grass fed beef and free range chicken is their cost. For instance; the price for regular industrial chicken breast is around $2.40 per pound. It is this chicken or worse and cheaper that most fast food chains use for their product. Main Course California pays ca. $4.49 for free range chicken. Yet our final price for a grilled chicken sandwich is not more expensive than you would pay at any fast food place that uses a qualitatively inferior product.

In other words; we take a pay cut so that our clients may enjoy the much better tasting free range chicken and that they do not have to subject their bodies to all the hormones that are found in regular meats. Rachel and I take pride in the fact that not only are the meats we use better and healthier but that they are actually local. This means that most of our produce does not have a high carbon foot print and we support our community in buying only their produce. In my opinion "talking the talk" is just not enough.

We need to prove that we practice what we preach. In many ways our concept is still new and the numbers do reflect that our community still needs time to catch on to the fact that we are actually providing a better product at a better price. All we can do is to encourage everyone who considers themselves a part of this new way of looking at the world to continue supporting us. Bottom line is that we do appreciate your support and we need the volume in order to continue to be able to produce the kind of products that make a difference. So, next time you go to a restaurant or buy meat from a supermarket chain ask yourself or whoever works there; where does this product come from and what is in it?

For example; we guarantee that there's only 1st quality meat from animals that were healthy and hormone free in our hamburgers. This is not the answer you will get anywhere you go. And if you do I encourage you to dig a little deeper. You will be surprised at the results....